Home / Water and Waste Water / Gulluk Municipality Potable Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Concession Project

Güllük Municipality
Potable Water and Wastewater
Treatment Plants Concession Project

Founded in 2005 with the purpose of developing concession projects in water and wastewater industry in Türkiye, building plants to obtain potable and utility water from above ground and underground sources, designing and constructing main transmission lines, water and sewage networks, Akfen Güllük Environment and Water Investment, Construction, Operation Co. has taken part in, and has been awarded, the tender for the Concession Project for the Construction and the Operation of Güllük Municipality Water and Wastewater Plants for 35 years in 2006.

All investments of the Akfen Water Güllük project, which is the first and only project wherein the water supply and distribution of a Municipality, and the collection and treatment of household and industrial wastewater were transferred to the private sector via a concession agreement, with the opinion of the State Council, and the decision of the Ministry of Interior, have been completed through the company's own resources, and with the project financing loan of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and thus reliable and uninterrupted water and sewage services were delivered to over 8500 clients in the Güllük region.

In addition to the initial investments of the project completed in line with the construction principles set forth in the Concession Agreement, Akfen Water Güllük have carried out the maintenance, repair, renewal, and expansion investments of the network and the facilities, and have fulfilled all client and network services throughout the duration of the Concession Agreement.

All the shares of the Project Company as well as all rights and obligations were transferred to a non-group investor on 19.04.2021, and as of that date Akfen Environment and Water has no ties with the project company.